Foward Compton Scattering Amplitude
method:  dispersion relations analysis 
nucleus C, AL, Cu, Sn, Pb and nucleon
others:  PAW for analysis and Cauchy software (CERN) for numerical integration
laboratories:  Frascati National Laboratory - INFN (Italy) Physics Institute of Bonn University (Germany);
main results:  With the results of the total photoabsorption measurements realized by us in Frascati and Bonn, we could make the first dispersion analysis in the nucleonics resonances region completely based on experimental data. With this analysis we could get an accurate foward Compton scattering amplitude in intermediate energies and the respective foward Compton cross sections. Our calculations show an excellent agreement with the experimental data where they are available. The differences between the free and bound nucleon photo-interactions become more evident with this analysis.
commentaries:   in development

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