Study of the Nuclear Structure of pre-actinide in Intermediate Energies 
method: analysis of the results of measures electrofission cross section
instruments new technique of unfolding cross section, photoexcitation from the cross section of electroexcitation, developed for us; Cook unfolding method
laboratories:  Physics Institute of USP and LNF-INFN 
main results: 


We developed an original formalism to study the photonuclear reactions in the intermediate energies. With this formalism, we can analyse the photo and electrofission cross sections to get information on the photon-nucleus and pion-nucleus interactions and observe the nucleus characteristics in different steps of the photoabsorption process: thermalization, composite nucleus formation, evaporation and fission. We study the behaviour of the nucleus composite energy in function of the incident photon energy. We show that it is possible to verify pion characteristics it the nucleus in the low kinetic energy region, in particular its mean free path in the nuclear matter and the number of nucleons participating of the pion reabsorption. A sub-product of this work was an original unfolding method of photoexcitation sections cross of nuclear from the electrofission section of cross, simpler and more practical than  the traditionally used methods. The results of this work had motivated other groups to carry through detailed measured of photofission cross section in the region of the pions threshold in many laboratories, as the Saskatoon Laboratory (Canada) and the TJNAF (U.S.A.).
Commentaries: in development.

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